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Oral HPV Testing

HPV-related oral cancers are on the rise! Did you know that Dr. Davis offers a simple swish test to detect active HPV lesions that can be precancerous? Think PAP smear but for your throat, and for both women AND men – because 82% of oropharyngeal cancers are found in MEN!

Hey ladies – you’re not off the hook though: just because you have a normal PAP doesn’t mean you can’t develop HPV lesions in your throat. HPV lesions are both site-specific and time-specific, meaning that a negative test in one location at a given time does NOT guarantee a negative test in another location or at a different time. Oral rinse testing for HPV is currently recommended annually, for the same reasons women are recommended to have a PAP annually (initially anyway).

Here’s the kicker: your dentist CANNOT see a precancerous HPV lesion in a visual oral cancer screening – it’s too far back in your throat. Many oropharyngeal cancers are detected late due to symptoms FINALLY appearing, such as persistent cough, raspy voice, swollen lymph nodes, earache, tender swallowing…reach out to get started with me and learn more about the test!

Post Author: Origins OSH