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Inflammation and Industrial Seed Oils

There’s a lot of talk about chronic disease lately, especially in light of the pandemic and certain populations being at high risk of adverse outcomes if they get the virus. This begs the question – where is it coming from? We know sugar is related to diabetes and insulin resistance, we know saturated fat is regularly victimized as causing a variety of health problems, but what about the food additives we’ve been told are “healthy?” Namely, industrial seed oils.

Canola oil, “vegetable” oil, soybean oil…they’re listed on just about every single bottle and box of anything we buy at the grocery store, even with labels like “heart healthy,” “no saturated fat,” “vegan.” What’s the problem with these oils? In short, they’re rancid before they even get to the bottle. They’re processed with dangerous chemicals and then mixed with even more to stabilize the color and consistency.

Make no mistake – these oils are not, in any definition of the word, FOOD. They are chemicals that directly cause inflammation in several ways. See this article from Chris Kresser, functional medicine practitioner, for more.

When you’re ready to clean the toxins out of your daily nutrition, fill out my contact form and let’s get to work!

Post Author: Origins OSH